Kumiko Saotome / photographer
Kumiko was born in Saitama, Japan.
She became interested in photography through the influence of her photography loving grandfather.
Kumiko studied photography at Nihon University’s College of Art.
She was heavily inspired by Black and White photographers, such as Yasuhiro Ishimoto, Ansel Adams, Henri Cartier Bresson, and more.
After graduating from Nihon University Kumiko moved to New York to broaden her horizons.
She then studied at the International Center of Photography in Midtown Manhattan. Kumiko went on to take part in artHARLEM’s H.O.A.S.T. (Harlem Open Artist Studio Tour).
Kumiko then returned to her homeland of Japan in 2008.
After her return she was awarded with an honorable mention award in Canon’s New Cosmos of Photography in 2010.
Currently, she continues to take family portraits and go off on trips throughout the world to take photographs.
She mainly focuses on take monochrome photographs of the people she has met and the views of nature she has seen during her travels.
Kumiko wants to photograph the hope, sadness, beauty and cruelness within this imperfect world.
- 「cross point」 EmonPhotoGallery,Tokyo,2006
- 「art HARLEM」harlem open artist studio tour ,NewYork 2007
- Canon New cosmos of photography,honorable mention award winner,2010
- 「the pencil of light」EmonPhotoGallery,Tokyo,2011
- 1st photobook 「imperfection 」, 2014
- 「Lodestars Anthology issue7 」published, 2017
- 「stillness 」applehouse ,Saitama,2019
五月女 久美子 / フォトグラファー
卒業後、NYへ留学。International Center of Photographyで授業を受ける。
帰国後 2010年度 キャノン写真新世紀佳作受賞。
- 2006年 「cross point」EmonPhotoGallery 東京
- 2007年 「art HAREM」参加 NY
- 2010年 キャノン写真新世紀 佳作受賞
- 2010年 「キャノン写真新世紀展」東京都写真美術館 東京
- 2011年 「the pencil of light」EmonPhotoGallery 東京
- 2014年 1st photobook 「imperfection」
- 2017年 「Lodestars Anthology Issue7」掲載
- 2019年 「stillness」あっぷるはうす 埼玉